Saturday, May 14, 2011


Normandy is one of the most amazing places in this world. To stand at the begining of Omaha Beach, and picture hundreds of young men charging up the beach-head. to picture bullets wizzing all around you, all to liberate people you don't even know. That, is life changing. The first place we went to was the 360 theatre. It was absolutley amazing. You felt as though you were fighting alongside the marines. The film was about twenty minutes and showed a lot of "before-and-after" shots. The second place we went to was Omaha Beach. It was really incredible. To stand were other marines fought, lived, and died was really cool. There was still debris left on the beach, wich was pretty neat. I went in to this army navy store, where the owner had all sorts of WWII stuff. Like german helmets and ammunition. he also had uniforms, guns, medals, and even some Nazi stick grenades. When we were done we left and went to the germans most heavily fortified position at Longues-sur-Mer Gun Battery, the only original coastal artillery guns remaining in place in the D-Day region. I got climb all through the german casements. It was so cool to think of a german soldier standing at his post here all day.

 And for me to recieve this opportunity was pricless. There was this underground barracks that was more a tunnel system with rooms. It was all dark, and you didn't know were to turn. But Daisy and I made it out just fine.

 Utah beach was more how I imagined the beaches, barbed wire, fences, gun casements, and miles of sand. When you stand at the begining of the beach and stare strait ahead you get this fealing inside you chest that you can't quite explain. Its a mix of sorrow, excitement, happiness, and thankfullness to all the British, Americans, Canadians, and French who died.

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