Saturday, February 26, 2011

pushy husbands and panicky wives

My husband is an excellent fit for me - we compliment each other in many ways. However, there are times when he is all about getting something done and I can't manage to stay focused long enough to make an educated decision. And so I stall and he becomes more and more intense and intent on getting his job done. I "climb up my tree" as we call it around here (think nervous cat) and he paces and circles...

Thus the current stand still. I have kids running in all directions, school to accomplish and commitments to fulfill. He wants to book our hotel/hostel in Paris and decide on a rental car - NOW! I worry and wonder about neighborhoods and highway safety, he researches and reports his findings as I am running out the door to deliver a kid to basketball practice or to pick up a friend and expects a coherent decision by the time I return. Oh my!

So I have a pile of bookmarked pages on the computer here and on this sunny Saturday I am trying to make a choice. Great neighborhood with youth hostel suggested in my Rick Steve's guidebook, or questionable neighborhood and comfy (and slightly cheaper) hotel we located on the web. I have decided youth hostel. It will be our first two nights of the trip and I am thinking it will be best to be in a neighborhood that we can walk through at night. Several of the places we would like to see have reduced admittance if you enter late in the day, plus the Effiel Tower at night might be fun.
And the car? haven't even attempted that one. Bryan found one that gets an amazing 55 miles to the gallon, but it looks like a tin can - tiny too. The one I had been looking at gets 35 miles to the gallon and is more roomy. I think they are about the same price. This is tough, because we will be doing ALOT of driving - I am guesstimating between 2500 and 3000 miles! Do I go for comfort, or economy?
Either way, it will be a stick shift, running on diesel (@ about $7/gal.) and I won't even leave the lot without a GPS!
Tough one. I hope Bryan will be happy that I made one decision!

1 comment:

  1. just an update:
    hostel in Paris was booked up so we splurged on a hotel alittle further in town where we can walk to most of the sites.
