Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Okay, where were we...

Oh, right we had just left Milan. We got up early Saturday morning with the hopes of escaping traffic and for a while we were on fairly empty roads. This was a blessing, particularly in Milan, where it seems they drive crazier than usual!
We had six hours to get to our rental, which is an hour outside of Rome. It was smooth sailing all the way, and we even found a grocery store and stocked up for the weekend. We follow the GPS and start off the main road and into the Italian countryside. And further in, through tiny ancient villages with narrow cobbled roads. Then the GPS directions get a bit screwy and we are lost. And no one speaks English. I drive up and down the same roads until finally I see a spot in front an old church with a priest and a few musicians talking. I park and fortunately he speaks English, they call Mr. Bella, our landlord and he is coming to get us and the priest even lets us into the church to use the bathroom! Ah!
Later that evening Mr. Bella's neighbor comes to visit. Jennifer is from New Jersey and interprets for us. The Bellas are wonderful and kind, Jennifer is sweet and helpful and together they get us ready for Easter morning. We need train tickets and instructions, plus they answer our questions about the area and Rome. We head to bed early that night - we have to make the 7:30am train into Rome for Easter Mass at the Vatican!
Of course, the discovery that there is no internet at the house or nearby village unsettles me abit, but Jennifer agrees to email Bryan to let him know we are safe and sound. Tomorrow is Easter! Happy Easter everyone!

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